Shambhala / Snow Lion

Note: Since our start in 1969, Shambhala Publications has been an independent, family-owned company, and we are not affiliated with the organization Shambhala International and its network of Shambhala centers.

Shambhala Publications is dedicated to creating books, audio, and immersive courses aimed at improving lives—in ways big and small—in the hope of contributing to the development of a thoughtful, kindhearted, and contemplative society. In the words of our first author, Chögyam Trungpa, “Enlightened society has to be real and good, honest and genuine.” We hold these words as a guiding principle and try to reflect its sentiment in each and everything we make and do, from publishing timeless spiritual classics and cultural treasures to contemporary explorations of what it is to live a meaningful and honest life that benefits the people and world around us.
As in our earliest days, we continue to be very selective about what we publish. Authenticity and integrity are paramount. And we aim for each of our books and programs to shine through with genuine personal value. We offer numerous titles on meditation and a wide range of spiritual traditions, from Buddhism and Taoism to contemplative traditions within Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Sufism. Sometimes the focus is more physical, with our books on health, wellness, yoga, and martial arts. And often it is simply about day-to-day happiness, with books on psychology, emotional well-being, and mindfulness.
On this site, you can explore numerous resources within our five main imprints:

Shambhala, our original publishing line and the core of our collection

Snow Lion, focused on the richness of Tibetan Buddhism and culture

Bala Kids, our children’s imprint dedicated to encouraging the values of wisdom and compassion for children of all ages

Roost Books, our creative living imprint which can be explored further at

Prajna Studios, our education and multimedia branch, including online courses, free audio, and video
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